Tag Archives: Jesus Christ

User Error

Once there was this man who longed to buy his own computer. He worked hard and saved up just enough to purchase his dream computer. He went to the store, bought it and brought it home. He couldn’t stop bragging about how awesome this thing was. He started naming off all the features of this computer. He was amazed at how all its statistics from storage to CD burning. The man finally got it all set up and turned it on. The first thing he did was download a free anti-virus. But once the download was complete, his computer started acting funny. It became slow, started glitching, and pop-ups kept popping up every time he would click on something. His computer soon just turned off. He took it back to the store and wanted to return it. As he walked up to the customer service desk, he stated. “I would like to return this computer, it is broken and it doesn’t run as fast and accurate as you said it would. After the computer repair people took a look at it they discovered the problem. The man downloaded a fake anti-virus and attached to it was a virus which destroyed the computer. The man was shocked that it was his fault and felt very embarrassed and left with his broken computer.

What’s the point of this story? My point is this: Marriage works but the reason it fails is due to “User Error.” You see, God created marriage and He planned and intended for it to work, but it is man who has abused it and given it a bad reputation. Just like the man in my story, we have taken what should work accurately and effectively, and infected it with selfishness, greed, adultery, idolatry, anger, perverseness, and everything else that is not of God. We have taken our relationships off the Rock and moved it to the sand, where the storms of life have destroyed it.

This post is not to discourage you, when in fact, this is just the intro to my encouragements. Marriage works. Relationships leading up to marriage are able to be healthy, blessed and prosperous. That’s how God intended it, we just have to know how to do it. Let us learn together 🙂 God bless.

Wives, submit to your own husbands, as to the Lord. For the husband is the head of the wife even as Christ is the head of the church, his body, and is himself its Savior. Now as the church submits to Christ, so also wives should submit in everything to their husbands. Husbands, love your wives, as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her, that he might sanctify her, having cleansed her by the washing of water with the word      –Ephesians 5:22-23
